By Rehan Iqbal Salt-based water softeners are the most cost-effective way to remove hard minerals from your water. However, softened water will contain some sodium. While this is not a health risk and does not affect the taste of the water, you may want to remove the salt from softened water. For people following a low-sodium […]
How Do You Know When You Need a New Water Softener
By Rehan Iqbal Is your water softener not working right? Are you looking for ways to get the most out of your investment? Here’s what you need to know about maintaining this piece of water treatment equipment, the common problems you’ll encounter, and when it’s time to get a new unit.How Long Can You Use […]
How Long Does Water Softener Resin Last?
By Rehan Iqbal A water softener resin bed is integral to the functioning of any salt-based water softener. Under normal conditions, water softener resin should last 10 – 15 years. There are several factors that can reduce the resin lifespan. All this and more will be the topic of our discussion.What Is Water Softener Resin?How […]
How Much Salt Does a Water Softener Use?
By Rehan Iqbal Most water softeners use salt to remove hard minerals like calcium and magnesium. This is a very effective and affordable way to soften the water you use in your home. For a water softener to function optimally, it needs enough salt to keep removing the unwanted hard minerals. Water softener maintenance mostly […]
How to Maintain a Water Softener and Troubleshooting Tips
By Rehan Iqbal In some areas, water softeners are a necessity, because they prevent mineral buildup that destroys appliances and ruins plumbing. However, while they save you money, it still hurts to shell out hundreds or thousands of dollars on a replacement unit. What can you do to get the most out of your investment? […]
How to Clean a Water Softener
By Rehan Iqbal Most water softener problems are caused by salt or rust buildup. Both the brine tank and valve head need regular cleaning to remove blockages that can lead to overflows and failed regeneration cycles. Having trouble with musty water? The brine tank could be full of mold. Here’s what you need to know […]
How Long Do Water Softeners Last?
By Rehan Iqbal How long does a water softener last? Between 3 and 30 years. Why is there such a wide range? There are several factors at play, including the quality of the equipment, the quality of your water, the amount of water you use, and the technology you use to soften your water. Here’s […]
What Size Water Softener Do I Need?
By Rehan Iqbal What size water softener do you need for your home? There’s no simple answer. You need to consider several factors, including water hardness, water usage, and iron contamination. You also need to balance capacity against salt usage and efficiency. Here’s every factor you need to take into account when you buy a […]
How Much Does a Water Softener System Cost With Installation?
By Rehan Iqbal How much does it cost to put a water softener system in your home? Installation costs vary depending on the type of softener you use, and what it takes to connect it to your water supply. The spending doesn’t stop there. How Much Does a Water Softener Cost?What is Crosslinking? Is it […]
What is Water Softener Regeneration ?
By Rehan Iqbal In order for a water softener to function, the softening resin needs to be regenerated. As the resin beads collect hard minerals, they become saturated and are unable to take up any more calcium and magnesium. The sodium needs to be regenerated for the system to continue softening the water supplied to […]